イギリスにおける障害者差別禁止法制と障害者施策 : 「1995年障害についての差別に関する法律
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There are efforts being made toward ending discrimination on the grounds of disability since 1980's. This particular paper attempts to discuss on the problems of disabled persons in the UK regarding various disability policies, especially, focusing the disability movement to get anti-discrimination legislation for disabled people through British Parliament. While the attempt of the Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill failed to pass in 1994 - 1995, the British Governments has finally acknowledged that discrimination against disabled people is a problem which can be dealt with through legislative means. As a result, The UK's Disability Discrimination Act 1995 became law on November 1995. The contents of the Act are as follows ; The Act defines "disability and "disabled person". The essence of these definitions is that a person is covered by the Act if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial adverse effect upon the person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. It does include persons who had a disability in the past. The Act makes it unlawful for employers and trade organisations to discriminate against disabled persons for a reason related to disability. It addresses disability discrimination in the provision of goods, facilities and services. It requires, schools, colleges, universities and funding councils to take account of the needs of disabled pupils and students by publishing annual disability statements setting out policies and achievements. Also it gives the Government power to make regulations defining standards of accessibility for disabled persons in relation to taxis, buses, coaches, and rail vehicles. And it establishes the National Disability Council to advise the Government on disability issues. Regarding the limitation of this act, this paper also outlined the critical comments to the act.
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