電流駆動法および電圧駆動法によるスピーカの過渡特性と周波数特性 I : 理論とステップ応答
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The current to piston-displacement (I-to-x) and the voltage to piston-displacement (V-to-x) transfer function of the moving coil loud speaker have been derived and compared with each other. The I-to-x indetial response shows the second order delay characteristics, while the V-to-x indetial response has, along with the second order oscillation term, the first order delay term of time constant 1/s1, where si≦R/L, where R and L are the voice coil resistance and inductance, respectively. Further, it is shown that the current drive transfer function is determined by only three parameters of mass m, force constant k, and mechanical resistance r. On the other hand, the voltage drive transfer function involves not only m, k, and r, but also R, L, and the magnetic field strength Bl, in a complicated way. As a result, the voltage drive has a slower response of piston motion than that of the current drive method, which leads to a quite different tone produced by the same loudspeaker, using current drive or voltage drive amplifier.
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- 電流駆動法および電圧駆動法によるスピーカの過渡特性と周波数特性 I : 理論とステップ応答