橋本 雅彦
塚越 一彦
橋本 雅彦
Department Of Chemical Engineering And Materials Science Doshisha University
近藤 和生
同志社大学工学部 物質化学工学科
中島 理一郎
Tsukagoshi Kazuhiko
Department Of Chemical Engineering And Materials Science Faculty Of Science And Engineering Doshisha
Tsukagoshi K
Doshisha Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Tsukagoshi Kazuhiko
Dep. Of Chemical Engineering And Materials Sci. Fac. Of Engineering Doshisha Univ. Kyotanabe Kyoto 6
Tsukagoshi K
Doshisha Univ. Kyotanabe
中島 理一郎
近藤 和生
塚越 一彦
- Capillary Electrophoresis with Absorption/Chemiluminescence Dual Detection System Using a Poyl(tetrafluoroethylene) Separation Capillary
- キャピラリーゲル電気泳動によるリガーゼ検出反応生成物の分析
- マイクロチャンネル内の液液界面微小反応場を利用する新規化学発光分析法の開発
- 分子モデリングを用いた糖の抽出挙動の定量的構造物性相関
- チエニルピリジン骨格をもつ蛍光性ポリスチレン粒子の合成と表面特性
- 水熱処理による新規抗菌性ZnO粉体の合成と特性評価
- 水熱処理による新規抗菌性ZnO粉体の合成と特性評価
- Temperature effect on separation performance in capillary chromatography based on tube radial distribution of aqueous-organic mixture carrier solvents
- Specific Chemiluminescence from Singlet Oxygen Generated by the Reaction of Acetonitrile and Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Alkali Halide
- effect of additives in the running buffer on α-Amino acids analysis by use of capillary Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence detection system
- Observation of the complex formation between Cu(II) and protein by capillary electrophoretic system incorporating an UV/CL dual detector
- Chemiluminescence Detection for Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography .A Review
- Selective Detection of Human Serum Albumin Using a Fused-Silica Capillary Modified with Anti-Human Serum Albumin
- α-Amino Acids Analysis by Capillary Electrophoresis with Chemiluminescence Detector Using Luminol-Hydrogen Peroxide-Cu(II) System
- キャピラリー電気泳動-化学発光検出装置の開発
- Small-Sized Capillary Electrophoresis with a Chemiliminescence Detector Equipped with Cross-Intersection for Sample Injection
- Analysis of a Biopolymer by Capillary Electrophoresis with a Chemiluminescence Detector Using a Polymer Solution as the Separation Medium
- Influence of Silicon Membrane Interposed between Glass Plates on Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis with a Chemiluminescence Detector
- Migration Behavior of the Polymer Particles Possessing Carboxylate and Borate Moieties in Capillary Electrophoresis
- キャピラリー電気泳動-化学発光検出法の免疫分析への応用
- Improvement of a Capillary Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence Detection System for Using a Polyacrylamide-Coated Capillary
- Application of Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis with Chemiluminescence Detection to an Analysis for Transition-Metal Ions
- キャピラリー電気泳動-化学発光検出法の免疫分析への応用 : 色素包括リポソーム標識剤の化学発光検出
- 10-フェナントロリン-過酸化水素-オスミウム(VIII)化学初光を用いるα-アミノ酸の定量
- Immunoassay Using Chemiluminescence Detection of Dyestuff-Containing Liposomes as a Labeling Reagent
- Simple and Sensitive Detection Cell for Capillary Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence Analysis Using Peroxyoxalate Reagent
- Flow-Type Chemiluminescence Detection Cell Using an Optical Fiber for Capillary Electrophoresis
- Design of a Pressure-Mobilization System for Capillary Isoelectric Focusing-Chemiluminescence Detection
- 抽出剤内包マイクロカプセルによるNi,Coの分離の検討
- Analytical Performance of Capillary Electrophoretic System with UV/CL or FL/CL Dual Detector
- Capillary Electrophoresis with Chemiluminescent Detection for Luminol Using Potassium Ferricyanide as a Catalyst
- 木質粉による金属オキソ酸イオンの吸着
- エレクトロフェログラムを用いたウシ血清アルブミンのローダミンBイソチオシアナート標識に関する考察
- エレクトロフェログラムを用いたウシ血清アルブミンのローダミンBイソチオシアナート標識に関する考察
- 熱変性したウシ血清アルブミンのエレクトロフェログラムに関する基礎研究
- 熱変性したウシ血清アルブミンのエレクトロフェログラムに関する基礎研究
- インターネット上で提供されている分析化学情報
- CE-LIF法を用いた個々の細胞の成分測定と酵素1分子の活性測定
- ヨードメチルベンゼン類の環プロトン化学シフトに及ぼす置換基効果
- Metal Compound Analysis by Capillary Chromatography Using an Untreated Capillary Tube and Water-Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Solvent Mixture as a Carrier Solution
- Development of Capillary Electrophoresis Equipped with a Novel PTFE Cell for Chemiluminescence Detection
- イオン液体含浸液膜による有機窒素化合物の分離
- 新規親油性フタロシアニン誘導体によるリチウムの抽出
- 酸性有機リン酸抽出剤とオキシン誘導体によるガリウムの協同抽出に関する平衡論的研究
- シラス多孔質ガラス膜を用いた液晶エマルションの調製
- トルエンと硫酸水溶液間の5-クロロ-8-ヒドロキシキノリンの相間移動速度
- リゾチームを用いた糖転移反応によるキチンオリゴ糖の調整
- マイクロチャンネル内の液液界面微小反応場を利用する新規化学発光分析法の開発
- 標識剤としての化学発光錯体触媒の基礎的検討
- Experimental consideration of capillary chromatography based on tube radial distribution of ternary mixture carrier solvents under laminar flow conditions
- High-Sensitivity Determination of Emetine Dithiocarbamate Copper(II) Complex Using the Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Detection of Tris(2, 2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(II)
- 学会支部活動がめざすもの
- 大学教育の改善に向けて
- 2-エチルヘキシルホスホン酸モノ-2-エチルヘキシルエステル内包マイクロカプセルへの銅の抽出機構
- 液液抽出と固液抽出の基礎理論
- 高等植物由来キチナーゼの抽出とキチン分解活性
- スプリング・エフェメラル
- 第29回秋季大会プレビュー
- Capillary Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence Detection System Equipped with a Consecutive Sample-Injection Device
- Analytical Conditions and Separation Performance of Capillary Chromatography Based on the Tube Radial Distribution of Aqueous-Organic Mixture Carrier Solvents under Laminar-Flow Conditions
- Separation of Optical Isomers in Capillary Chromatography Using a Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Capillary Tube and an Aqueous-Organic Mixture Carrier Solution
- Capillary Chromatography Based on Tube Radial Distribution of Aqueous-Organic Mixture Carrier Solvents : Introduction of Double Tubes Having Different Inner Diameters to the System
- Capillary Chromatography Based on the Tube Radial Distribution of Aqueous-Organic Mixture Carrier Solvents : Effects of the Inner-Wall Characteristics of the Fused-Silica Tube on Separation Performance
- Micro-Flow Separation System Using an Open Capillary Tube That Works under Laminar Flow Conditions
- Capillary Chromatography Based on Tube Radial Distribution of Aqueous–Organic Mixture Carrier Solvents: Elution Behavior of Carboxylated Polymer Particles in the System
- 化学発光反応を用いる微量タンパク質のフローインジェクション分析法の改良
- マイクロチップ電気泳動分析
- Micro-channel Chemiluminescence Analysis Using a Peroxyoxalate Reaction that Works through Liquid-Liquid Interface Collapse under Laminar-Flow Conditions
- Effect of Saliva on Measurement of Chemiluminescence by a Micro-Reactor Incorporating a Micro-Channel
- Peak Formation Due to Chemiluminescence Reaction through the Collapse of Laminar Flow Liquid-Liquid Interface in a Microreactor
- Direct Observation of Extraction of Cu(II) into Microcapsules Containing 8-Quinolinol by Use of Capillary and Chemiluminescence Detection
- 紀本電子工業株式会社本社を訪ねて
- Simultaneous Analysis of Plural Samples in a CE-CL Detector Possessing Micro-Space Area for Reaction/Detection
- Elution Behavior of Proteins in Capillary Chromatography Using an Untreated Fused-silica Capillary Tube and a Water-Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Organic Mixture Carrier Solvent
- Distribution of Fluorescent Dyes Dissolved in Ternary Mixed Solvent in a Microchannel under Laminar Flow Conditions
- 多孔性シリカビ-ズへのタンパク質の吸着--化学発光検出器を用いる水溶液中のタンパク質濃度の決定
- カルボキシル化ミクロスフェアの金属イオン吸着特性
- Preparation and Characterization of Polymer Microspheres Which Have Specific Binding Ability for Saccharide Molecules
- Preparation and Sugar Binding Property of Microspheres Having Surface-anchored Phenylboronic Acid Groups
- Surface Imprinting. Characterization of a Latex Resin and the Origin of the Imprinting Effect
- Simlpe and Convenient Cell for Chemiluminescence Detection in Capillary Electrophoresis
- DNAプローブ固定化微粒子を用いたDNA一塩基変異検出法の開発
- Electrophoretic Behavior of Dyestuff-Containing Liposome in a Capillary with Original On-Line Chemiluminescence Detection
- Characterization of Dyestuff-containing Liposome by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Using On-Line Chemiluminescence Detection
- 抽出剤内包マイクロカプセルによるNi, Coの分離の検討
- Batch-Type Detection Cell Using a Peroxyoxalate Chemiluminescence System for Capillary Electrophoresis
- Chemiluminescence Detection in Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis
- Separation Behavior of Biological Constituents Having cis-Diol Groups through Interactions with Phenylboronic Acid Sites Introduced on the Inner Wall of a Fused-Silica Capillary
- Chemiluminescence Property of the Luminol-Hydrogen Peroxide-Copper(II)System in the Presence of Surface-Carboxylated Microspheres
- モリブデン-アルキルリン酸モノエステル錯体溶液からの逆抽出試薬の選定
- 第2回アジア分析化学会議 (Asianalysis II)
- Experimental Consideration of Capillary Chromatography Based on Tube Radial Distribution of Ternary Mixture Carrier Solvents under Laminar Flow Conditions
- Components of the carrier solvents and separation performance in the tube radial distribution chromatography using a fused-silica capillary tube
- Extraction of Cu(II) Based on Tube Radial Distribution of Ternary Mixed Carrier Solvent in Microchannels
- Direct Detection of Mutant DNA in a Mixed Population of Higher Copy Number Wild-Type DNA Based on Ligase Detection Reaction in Conjunction with Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
- Preparation of Phenylboronic Acid-Modified Capillary and Separation of Nucleosides by Capillary Electrophoresis
- 田辺製薬(株)分析研究所を訪ねて
- 管径方向分配現象を利用した新規溶媒抽出法の開発 (第49回同志社大学理工学研究所研究発表会 2011年度学内研究センター合同シンポジウム 講演予稿集)
- ストレプトアビジン修飾磁性微粒子を利用したDNA点突然変異の解析
- Influences of Analyte Injection Volumes and Concentrations on Capillary Chromatography Based on Tube Radial Distribution of Carrier Solvents under Laminar Flow Conditions