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An intensive seismic refraction experiment was conducted on December 12, 1995, in and around a source region of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. This experiment aimed not only to provide basic information on the crustal structure of the surveyed area but also to elucidate structural heterogeneity, which probably reflects the rupture process of the event and the following aftershock activity. The profile line was 135-km in length, extending in the NE-SW direction from Keihoku T. in Kyoto Prefecture to Seidan T. in Hyogo Prefecture, on which 205 temporal seismic observation sites were set to record six shots with 300-700 kg charges. The shots were detonated on schedule, from which high-quality seismic data were successfully collected. In this paper, we present an outline of this experiment with the travel-time and waveform data obtained.
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