A Remark on Comparison with a Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Asymptotic Variances in a Non-Regular Case
赤平 昌文
StatisticalLaboratory, University of Electro-Communications
赤平 昌文
Statistical Laboratory University Of Electro-communications
- Third Order Asymptotic Efficiency and Asymptotic Completeness of Estimators
- Note on Non-Regular Asymptotic Estimation : What "Non-Regularity" Implies
- Asymptotic Optimality of the Generalized Bayes Estimator
- Third Order Asymptotic Efficiency of Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Multiparameter Exponential Case
- On Gram-Charlier-Edgeworth Type Expansion of the Sums of Random Variables (III) : Multivariate Cases
- On Gram-Charlier-Edgeworth Type Expansion of the Sums of Random Variables (II)
- On Gram-Charlier-Edgeworth Type Expansion of the Sums of Random Variables (I)
- On the Second Order Asymptotic Efficiency of Estimators in Multiparameter Cases
- On the Second Order Asymptotic Optimality of Estimators in an Autoregressive Process
- A Remark on Comparison with a Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Asymptotic Variances in a Non-Regular Case
- A Remark on Asymptotic Sufficiency of Statistics in Non-Regular Cases
- A Note on the Second Order Asymptotic Efficiency of Estimators in an Autoregressive Process