<論文>Globalisation, Competition and Development Cooperation in the 21th Century : A Japanese Perspective
- Industrial Restructuring and Adjustment for Japan-Asean Investment and Trade Expansion
- Foreign Investments in Developing Economies--The Case of Chile
- The Impact of Japanese Management Practices on Malaysian Corporations--with Reference to Quality Control Circles
- Changing Japanese Policies for the Economic Development of East Asia in the Postwar Period
- The World Trade Organisation and Major Issues Facing East Asian Countries under Globalisation
- Role of Official Development Assistance to Mongolia in Creating a Favourable Domestic Environment for Sustainable Human Development Consistentwith Moderate Economic Growth, 1997-2010
- Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia : Options for Institutional and Financial Arrangements for its Promotion (杉山和雄先生退職記念号)
- Globalisation, Competition and Development Cooperation in the 21th Century : A Japanese Perspective
- Reorienting Japan's Development Cooperation for the 21st Century
- Japan's International Development Cooperation on Human Resources Development and Institution Building in Developing Countries : Performance, Issues and Prospect
- International Trade in the ESCAP Region--Performance,Policies and Prospects
- Multinational Corporations and Technology Transfer in Developing Countries
- Macro-Micro Linkages for Technological Innovation Case of Japan
- Management Development in Japan--Lessons for Asean Countries
- Changing Industrial Relations in Postwar Japan--Institutional adaptation to external and internal changes in socio-economic forces (芦矢栄之助先生追悼号)
- Japan′s Indusrial Restructuring under Changing External Economic Relations (巽博一先生退官記念号)
- Authoritarian Regime and Economic Development in Developing countries of Asia-1- (関島久雄先生退職記念号)