勝木 明夫
勝木 明夫
School Of General Education Shinshu University
Katsuki A
Hiroshia Univ. Hiroshima
千葉 綾子
Katsuki Akio
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
- Application of Magnetically Simulated Microgravity for Preparation of Thin Films with Carbon Nanotubes
- Application of Magnetically Simulated Microgravity for Preparation of Liquid and Solid Thin Films
- The Magnetic Orientation of 2-Dimensional Silver Dendrites
- Effects of a High Magnetic Field on the Growth of 3-Dimensional Silver Dendrites
- 磁場による擬似無重力条件下における金属樹成長
- High Magnetic Field Effect on the Growth of 3-Dimensional Silver Dendrites
- Molecular forms and fluorescence processes of 9-aminoacridine in thin sol-gel films
- Effect of High Magnetic Field on Copper Deposition from an Aqueous Solution
- りんご樹皮抽出液による羊毛への無媒染染色 : 天然染料の吸着状態の観測と染着過程の定量的な解析(自然)
- ミセル構造に対するアルコール添加の影響
- スピン軌道相互作用誘起スピン分極に対する溶媒効果
- Acid-Base and Monomer-Dimer Equilibria of Methylene Blue in Dip-Coated Thin Films
- The Effect of High Magnetic Field on the Crystal Growth of Benzophenone
- The Effects of High Magnetic Field on the Deposition of Silver