ピアジェの発達理論と幼児教育(II) : アメリカと日本におけるピアジェ研究の概観と展望(その 1)
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First Piagetian Research in U.S. is John Flavell's "Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget" (1963). We have had over one hundred references about Piagetian research after twenty years. There are three different approaches about the educational implications of Piaget's theory of developmental psychology. (1) To develop Piagetian Curriculum from the orthodox explanation of Piaget's theory including Lavatelli (1970), Kamii (1972) & Weikart(1971,1979). The program aims of Lavatelli are how to acquire the basic concepts of classification, space, number & seriation and that to help the child's acquisition of logical thinking method. (2) To introduce some implications from Piagetian theory. Kamii & DeVries (1977) set the long-term objectives and the short-term objectives in the curriculum, above all they emphasize three knowledge or cognition areas in the all areas of knowledge of cognitive objectives based upon the Piaget's theory. Kamii points out the importace of negative learning or negative education to construct the cognitive structure of child. (3) To construct the curriculum from the Structuralism Forman designs the educational objectives and the curriculum from the point of "Constructivistic structuralism". He emphasizes to structure a curriculum for allowance of maximum amount of freedom for children to ask their own question to generate their own confusion. (1977,1980) He adds "Self-knowledge" to Kamii's three knowledge and develops six learning encounters.
- 金城学院大学の論文
- 1985-03-20
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- ピアジェの発達理論と幼児教育(II) : アメリカと日本におけるピアジェ研究の概観と展望(その 1)
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