- 論文の詳細を見る
Hyper-abrupt junction diodes, which have the high voltage sensitivity of capacitance, can be employed as circuit elements of electronic tuning, frequency modulation, etc. This diode has been fabricated by alloy-diffusion or epitaxial method. This paper describes about the fabrication of silicon hyper-abrupt junction diodes by double diffusion method employing liquid sources such as POCl_3 and BBr_3. The impurity concentration at the surface and the depth of diffusion layer in N type silicon have been controlled by the two-step process which consists of deposition and drive-in process. Using this process, diodes with the capacitance variation proportional to the minus third power of the voltage have been obtained. The advantage of this method is that diodes with the any voltage-capacitance characteristics can be made by changing the condition of diffusion. Moreover, it is possible to fabricate the monolithic integrated circuit which contains the tuning circuit with the hyper-abrupt junction.
- 山梨大学の論文
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