切削工具の境界摩耗に関する研究(第 1 報)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Cutting tests are made with carbide tool, to investigate the groove wear on boundary portion of cutting tool which the reason of groove formation is not clear and there will be many informations on state of machining. From the experiments, following results are obtained. 1) In machining of carbon steel S55C, the groove wears are mainly caused by action of mechanical friction between tool material and workpiece at boundary portion. Therefore, the shape of groove wear is sharp and long. 2) In machining of stainless steel SUS304,the groove wears are mainly caused by adhesive action between tool material and workpiece at boundary portion. Therefore, the shape of groove wears are deep and short, and the chipping of tool at boundary portion often causes due to adhesive action in dry condition. However, the chipping of tool at boundary portion does not cause under existence of cutting oils. 3) Groove formations are different between in machining using tool of positive rake angle and negative rake angle.
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