日本人の国民性と参審制度 : 参審制は日本人に向いているか?
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The content of this article is as follows : 1. Introduction 2. Japanese Culture and Japanese Nationality (1) Interrelation between Japanese Culture and Nationality Argument (2) Japanese Language 3. Analysis of the Japanese Nationality Argument (1) Anti-jury Argument based upon Japanese Nationality (2) Classic and Revised Japanese Characteristics Argument (3) Japanese Legal Consciousness and Nationality Argument 4. Mixed Court System and Nationality (1) Structure of Mixed Court System (2) Pro-Mixed Court Argument in Japan (3) Examination of Japanese Nationality in the Procedure of Mixed Court Trial 5. Conclusion 1. This paper examines three basic aspects on the civil participation into the judiciary in Japan : first, to analyze the Japanese nationality discourse in the context of the so-called "Japanese Culture, " second, to explore both the function and the reality of the mixed court system and, finally, to scrutinize whether or not the Japanese culture obstructs the normal function of the mixed court system in Japan. 2. Although Japan once had a criminal jury system before World War II (1928-1943), since then Japan has had no civil participation system in trials (with the minor exception of using lay assessors in the civil mediation stage.) In the modern world, it might be atypical enough to see a country that employs professional judges, solely recruited from among young legal trainees and trained as career judges, who exclusively preside over trials without any involvement of lay citizens. In the construction era immediately after World War II, there was a proposal to introduce the jury system into Japan by the SCAP (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers). Japanese high officials declined to accept the idea, explaining that the Japanese were too immature, the jury system was incompatible with Japanese character, and the Japanese' respect and deference to the higher authority. 3. The exploitation of Japanese uniqueness, such as Japanese culture, nationality, weather, national ritual in order to reject introduction of foreign goods was well exemplified by the Japanese high officials who confronted foreign pressure about the restricted trade policy. Their cliche is since Japan has its own tradition and culture, the foreign goods are not suitable to Japan and will bring adverse effects to the nation. They often utilized the claim of Japanese uniqueness claim to contest international pressure to open the Japanese market, for products like oranges and rice (they said that Japanese liked more oranges with soft skin and sticky rice.) 4. Apart from the high official's claiming the Japanese uniqueness, the Japanese nationality argument is often cited as a reason to resist implementing a new legal system in Japan. Above all legal scholars and lawyers use the Japanese nationality argument against the introduction of jury systems in Japan. Because the Japanese are inclined to rely upon the authority, resist expressing shy to express their own opinion, and shy away from arguments, have no concern with others, the jury system where a group of lay citizens find facts and concludes with a final verdict would bring a disastrous result, and thus they believe in the trials presided by professional judges. The basic tenet of this way of thinking is that without the best and brightest people's (high officials' or professionals') control, the Japanese will lose their way and cannot manage things by themselves. This contention has two presumptions : Japanese people are incapable of with handling fact-finding because of their national characteristics and, secondly, those who manage judiciaries (mainly professional judges) are exempted from those kind of general characteristics. Are these presumptions appropriate? 5. Basically from where did the stereotypical generalization of the Japanese character come? Some "anthropologists" and "sociologists" seriously have examined the source of the Japanese uniqueness. Some explained with a geological reason
- 日本人の国民性と参審制度 : 参審制は日本人に向いているか?
- 個別報告 日本型ロースクールのあり方--アメリカのロースクールとの対比で (シンポジウム ロースクールを鍛え直す)
- アメリカの法廷における最終弁論 (連続特集 裁判員裁判をどう闘うか(5)弁論技術(その2)最終弁論)
- US Case Studies--最新アメリカ判例・裁判情報(第13回)防弾ベストの防弾性能をめぐる損害賠償請求訴訟において日本企業のフォーラム・ノン・コンヴィニエンス(forum non conveniens)の申立てが受理された事例--German Free State of Bavaria, et al., v. Toyobo Co., Ltd. et al., 480 F. Supp. 2d 948, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 21086 (W.D. Mich. 2007)
- 裁判所委員会の課題--ニューヨーク州市民コート・モニター活動から (特集 裁判所委員会で裁判所は変わったか。これまでとこれから--"わが街、わが裁判所"への期待をかけて)
- アメリカ (連続特集 裁判員制度と刑事弁護(2)選任手続はどうなるのか?) -- (公判前整理手続・連日的開廷・選任手続の国際比較)
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- 裁判官任命手続の理念と具体的方策 (特集 裁判官制度改革)
- 制度としての法曹 : グローバリゼーションと文化変容 : アメリカの法文化と法曹
- 陪審裁判における裁判地の変更 : Venue/Vicinage requirementをめぐって
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- 21世紀・人間復興の法律学(15)法律専門家の職業倫理(2)ゴミ問題と個人の責任
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- 裁判員制度はどうなっているか (特集 2010年、日本の司法はこう変わる) -- (国民の司法参加)
- アメリカの法文化と法曹 (シンポジウム 制度としての法曹--グローバリゼーションと文化変容)
- 法学教育におけるアメリカの「改善」 (特集 法曹養成制度改革への国際的視点--法学部・法科大学院・研修所問題を深めるために)
- 具体的制度設計に向けた議論を--審議会での検討の到達点と課題 (特集 実現可能な国民の司法参加システム--陪審か参審か?)
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- 法曹養成制度(アメリカ) (特集1 ここが知りたい法科大学院)
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- 先送りは許されない陪審制度導入--国民の司法参加 (特集 審議会「中間報告」の作り方)
- 日本の裁判官の市民的自由に関する調査報告--アンケート調査による実態分析 (特集 裁判官「独立」の処方せん(Part1))
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- アメリカのロースクール教育 (特集 分析・法科大学院構想(PART2)批判、対案、比較法的モデル) -- (比較法的モデル)
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