<論説>法社会学的「法」概念による現実分析について : 法社会学の中範囲的理論への一視角
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"Sociology of Law" is called to be still in the course of formulation. So might be understood its position because more than fifty years have not passed since Eugen Ehrlich published Grundlegung der Soziologie des Rechts (1913). Strictly speaking, the approach to it connotes many ones. But their common feature is that they are all in one way or another concerned with the consideration of "Law" in relation to society. Therefore, I attempted to consider the theories of "Sociology of Law", and found they included far greater mass of conceptions which fell to bit when confronted with empirical test. Moreover, with reference to social sciences, especially Sociology, I try to build what might be called the theories of the middle range of "Sociology of Law" : theories intermediate to the minor working hypotheses evolved abundantly in day-by-day routines of research, and to the all-inclusive speculations comprising a master conceptional scheme from which it is hoped to drive a very large number of empirically observed uniformities of social conduct. Influenced by structural-functional analysis, developing the theories of "Sociology of Law" and especially Prof. K. S. Carlston's "Law and Structures of Social Action, 1946", this article comprises the following chapters : 1. The aspect of integration of "research and theory" in "Sociology of Law". 2. The analysis of "Law" phenomena with reference to social sciences espicially Sociology. 3. The behavioristic conception of "Law and its application to a field research. 4. The relation of "Law in Organisation" to leadership, Herrschaft and value. 5. An approach to the formulation of the theory of the middle range of "Sociology of Law".
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 1959-06-30
関西学院大学 | 論文
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