科学・技術英語の教育II : 文法構造の再構築
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The students' difficulty in understanding science English in spite of its general simplicity and clearness of style seems to lie largely in their unfamiliarity with its grammatical characteristics. From the data obtained in our previous studies on grammatical comparison between scientific papers and articles from "Newsweek" magazines, we abstracted grammatical characteristics peculiar to science English. The corresponding ten teaching points to be stressed to the students of science and technology should be: making the overall structures more understandable through phrase by phrase reading rather than through translation into Japanese, phrase constructions, subject-verb identification, S+V+0-type sentences and the identification of objects, passive forms, past participles as postmodifiers, present participles as modifiers and participial constructions, to-infinitives which constitute adverbial phrases of purpose and S+V+0+to-infinitive-type sentences, introductory it, and phrasal verbs. The fourth year and the fifth year students of the Chemical Course at Numazu College of Technology were given several lessons to familialize them with science English and foster their abilities to analyze scientific texts. A pretest and a post test were given. The results of the two tests show the effectiveness of the training, along with the relative difficulty of each grammatical item mentioned above and a positive correlation with the evaluation of the students' abilities to read science English made by the teachers of their specific fields.
- 沼津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1991-01-30
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