- 論文の詳細を見る
Microcomputers have become very cheap and the ability of data processing is in creasing, so that it is attractive to use them as CAI (Computer Aided Instruction) equipment even at elementary schools. But there are many problems. 1) There are few softwares as teaching materials implemented on microcomputer. 2) It is hard to developsoftwares for many teachers with computer language like BASIC or FORTRAN. To resolve these problems we propose new simle command language which is very easy to use and much the same as writing test or drills. In this papaer we describe the specification of this language, how to use it and explain some examples. The results of CAI responded by students are kept in files for later analysis. So we can check how students understand and propriety the educational materials themselves
- 沼津工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1985-01-31
- ビデオを利用する教材作成
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- 沼津高専情報処理教育センターの管理・運営(第5報)
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