スパン方向へ生成される平板翼の後流のコヒーレント構造に関する研究 : 第 1 報;渦度輸送方程式による後流構造の解析
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The spatial distribution of the vorticity and the Reynolds stress was analyzed by equation for the longitudinal mean vorticity for clarifying coherent structure of the wake of a flat plate blade generated to the span direction. The 3-dimensional flow field was formed by a numerical solver. The solver could be estimated the skin friction coefficient on a plate with high accuracy, moreover, we expanded the solver to junction grid system such as shaping continuous bluff body without distortion at trailing edge. According to the visualization of the 3-dimensional flow field with normalized helicity, the vertical vortex was caught at the tip-side of a blade where was interfered with the main flow and the 3-dimensional share layer. The vertical vortex induced plural oval Reynolds share stress ρ<v'w'>^^^- to the span direction, and lateral variation was generated by the regularity distribution of ρ<v'w'>^^^- with differential sign.
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