- 論文の詳細を見る
Three kinds of melting experiments were carried out for investigating the equilibria between ferrite slag and matte as follows : (I) Calcium ferrite slag and copper matte were brought into equilibrium under a current of SO_2-Ar gas. This corresponds to the condition of oxidizing smelting. (II) Calcium ferrite slag, copper matte and metallic copper were brought into equilibrium under a current of Ar gas. This corresponds to the condition of reducing smelting. (III) Three liquid phases of slag, matte and copper were brought into equilibrium under a current of SO_2-Ar gas. This corresponds to the direct production of copper by oxidizing smelting. In all of these cases, the distribution behaviour of arsenic, in addition to those of the principal components, was investigated. The solidified samples were investigated by microscope and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) to confirm the structure and composition for each phase obtained. The following crystallites were recognized in each phase. In the metal phase : a. Matrix of copper metal containing arsenic. b. Small bluish-grey particle of Cu_2S or bornite. c. Small greenish-grey crystallite of copper arsenide. d. Small light-grey arsenide consisting of Cu-Fe-As. In the matte phase : i. Bluish-grey matrix consiting of Cu_2S and bornite solid solutions. ii. Hair-like metallic copper. iii. Tiny dark grey crystallite of CaS. iv. Round dark grey particle consisting of calcium ferrite and bornite. v. White particle of iron. vi. Round yellowish-white grain consisting of copper and arsenic. vii. Tiny grey eutectic-type grains of Cu_2O recognized under very high oxygen potential. viii. Dark grey boundary crystallites observed in low grade matte. Sulfide-oxide mixture of Fe-Ca-S-O system. In the slag phase : 1. Large dark grey plate-like crystallites of 2CaO・Fe_2O_3. 2. Large grey plate-like crystallites of FeO・Fe_2O_3・CaO. 3. Massive light grey crystallites of FeO or Fe_3O_4. 4. Tiny dark grey grains observed in calcium ferrite crystallite. 5. Light yellow crystallites of FeS. 6. Brown or bluish-grey crystallites of bornite. 7. Greenish-grey plate-like or massive crystallites. Sulfide-oxide mixture of Fe-Ca-S-O system. 8. Small metallic copper grains. 9. White spherical crystallites of Fe occasionally containing As.
- 東北大学の論文
矢沢 彬
Acuna Cesar
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
矢沢 彬
張 世波
中国有色金属工業総公司西北砿冶研究所, 国際協力事業団
張 世波
中国有色金属工業総公司西北砿冶研究所 国際協力事業団
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