- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of temperature on clarification rate, which had been not fully noticed, were demonstrated by a theoretical approach and experimental treatments for dilute aqueous suspension of kaoline, quartz or ferric oxide at temperature range 2 to 97℃. The experiment was carried out under various pH values, by means of optical transmission measurements of samples pipetted out from the level of 5cm under the meniscus in the settling glass cylinder. The experimental results are summerized as follows : (1) The relative turbidity, τ_r, which is the measure of clarity of solution, was defined by τ_r=τ/τ_m, where τ is the turbidity at time t and τ_m is the initial turbidity. (2) Under the assumption of complete dispersion, the changes of τ_r with settling time were simulated for the sample suspensions at several temperatures between 2 and 97℃. (3) A remarkable increase in clarification rate was always observed with increasing temperature, and agreed well with the theoretical estimation. (4) A considerable change in the clarification rate was brought about by the variation of pH values of the solution at a constant temperature, and its general trend agreed well with the tendency predicted from the ζ-potential of minerals at 25℃. (5) The experimental clarification curves for the dispersed suspensions showed approximately good agreement with those of theoretical predictions. (6) Under the existence of cohesive conditions in the system at elevated temperatures, the increment in clarification rates were accelerated. (7) In the experiments at 97℃, clarification in dispersed systems were somewhat disturbed because of natural convection flow in the solutions.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1973-11-24
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