- 論文の詳細を見る
Iron sand containing 51-59% of Fe, 2-16% of SiO_2 1-3% of Al_2O_3,1-3% of CaO and 5-9% of TiO_2 was reduced to produce pig iron in a cupola with low-grale ferro-silicon resulting from alumina refinery as a by-product. From the results of preliminary tests on the appropriate charge of flux, briquettes weighing about 1 kg. were made by mixing 20 parts of iron sand, 10 parts of ferro-silicon and 5 parts of slaked lime, moistening with some water, pressing and then drying in the open air for a week. The briquettes thus made were charged in a small cupola used in foundry works together with limestone and coke in the proportion of 10 kg. limestone and 250 kg・coke for 1,000kg. briquettes. The results obtained in a cupola of 2.0 tons/hr. capacity were as follows : The charge, briquettes 85 kg., coke 15 kg. and limestone 1 kg. The production of pig iron, 300-400 kg./hr. The process is recommended for the utilization of the by-prodouct A.S.T. alloy in alumina refinery for the production of pig iron from iron sands prevailing in our country.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1949-03-30
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- 選鑛製錬研究所初代所長 濱住松二郎博士
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- 化學分析(第三編)(金門島産コバルト鑛製錬研究)
- 緒言(金門島産コバルト鑛製錬研究)