<報文>秋田県白岩鉱山のマンガン鉱床 : とくに水マンガン鉱のγ型ラムスデル鉱化について
- 論文の詳細を見る
The bedded manganese ore deposits of Shiraiwa Mine occur in andesitic breccia tuff of miocene age. The hypogene manganese minerals in the deposits mainly consist of pyrolusite and manganite with a small quantity of rhodochrosite. In the upper zones of the deposits, γ-type ramsdellite and part of pyrolusite are formed by the weathering of manganite. The alteration process of the mineral may be summarized as follows : [figure] The existence of two alteration processes of manganite is due to the difference in oxidation environments.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1961-02-24
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