人々のための公共地 : タイにおけるコミュニティー林の制度的基礎
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Literature on common property management has increased, particularly since the late 1980s. However, most of the studies have focused narrowly on the mechanics of sustainable resource use within the context of local organizations, without due regard to the institutional foundation set by the government. The case of Thailand shows that communally used land should be analyzed in relation to (1) national legal and policy framework over lands, and (2) agricultural land entitlements of farmers. This paper outlines the historical development of competition over forest lands and identifies the potential for communal forest use within the present administrative framework of the government. Although the economic importance of forest resources should not be denied, agriculture still remains a central source of livelihood even for those who live on forest lands. The capability of local villagers to manage a forest, the alleged target of dispute in the drafting of new Community Forestry Bill, can not be assessed properly unless people are given the productive forests in combination with land titles.
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