東北タイ・ドンデーン村 : 生活行動記録(第1報)(<特集>東北タイ・ドンデーン村)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。A daily activity survey was conducted to analyse quantitatively the village life of Don Daeng in 1981 and 1983. Each sample farmer was requested to record on a daily basis what he or she did, and where and with whom the activity occurred. The labor requirement for rice-growing was conspicuously seasonal. The combined labor requirement for cultivation of rice, upland crop (cassava) and vegetables was also significantly seasonal, and its pattern resembled that of rice-growing alone, because the farming of crops other than rice was not highly seasonal. In the slack season, although farmers spent more time on fishing (in the case of males) and handicrafts (in the case of females), they nevertheless worked fewer total hours and had more spare time than in the busy season. Although division of labor exists between the sexes, both men and women are involved in rice-growing. In the sample households in which they were the two main workers, the husband and wife did the time-consuming work such as trans-planting and harvesting jointly. As might be expected, the husband plowed the paddy fields. And in concurrence with this, the wife uprooted the seedlings. In this case, it is very clear that the husband and wife are indispensable partners in rice cultivation.
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