学校改革論としてのコールバーグ「ジャスト・コミュニティ」構想 : アメリカ道徳教育史の社会学的省察の中で
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The purpose of this paper is to portray Kohlberg's JUST COMMUNITY APPROACH as School Reform. Lawrence Kohlberg, who was the Moral Developmental Psychologist, had engaged in the practice of moral education since the 1970s. Kohlberg's moral education theory has two programs. One is the Moral Dilemma Program and the other is the Just Community Program. Both programs have the Moral Discussion as the central constituent, through which the students are expected to develop their own moral judgement. The latter, Just Community Approach which this paper focuses on, has the character istic as school reforming. Just Community Approach is structuring the organization of the school according to the universal discipline, Justice. This dircipline of Justice coincides with the idea of American democracy, and sanctions the diversity in races, sexes, achievements, social classes, and their opinions. The history of School Education in America shows that the principal function of schooling is to Americanize different persons and has performed this by identifying them into the culture of the middle class by traits of its structure. But the history certifies also that such function making diverse persons unified could not maintain public order. In American society, the diversity is inevitable. The moral Order-making function of Just Community Approach is another new form of Order-making and Order-maintaining. The structure and the form of stucturing of the Community embody the discipline of Justice, and by the structural trait the Community moralizes the participants and brings democratic order.
- 東京大学の論文
- 1995-02-28
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