理性・感性・協調性診断尺度 : 尺度構成とプログラムの開発に関する研究
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Two Grossarth-Maticek scales for premorbid personality, rational-antiemotional and harmony-seeking, were adapted, contextually translated and factor-analyzed in unselected normal Japanese Mongoloid students, 329 females and 60 males, to develop (intercultural) functionally equivalent scales of 3, each consisting of 5, 7 or 12 items in Japanese everyday living context. These were termed Rationality (R), Emotional-defensiveness (ED) and Need for harmony (NH) scales. Score distribution and psychometric properties of these 3 scales and RED scale were found to be satisfactory, and construct validity and reliability of the scales were reasonably high in females, males and combined, in terms of normality, factor structure, interscale correlations, internal consistency (Cronbach's alphas, item remainder correlations) and concurrent validity. Although there was no gender difference in obtained scores on each of these 4 scales, 2 items of the NH scale showed such a difference, suggesting that females are more harmony-seeking or cooperative and less tolerate loneliness, social deprivation, etc., than males. Results of factor analyses performed on these 24 items showed intercultural functional equivalence of the factors, yielding 4 major factor structures which were termed similarly to each other in 2 different cultures or lifestyle contexts, Japanese and Americans. Personality profiles and behavioral characteristics, underlying problematic behavior or behavioral deviations (personal/social maladjustment, or frustration), of high RED or NH scorers were identified and contrasted, resulting in 14 typical categories of subjects. Implications of these results were interpreted in relation to available theories of personality and stress relevant to behavioral health.
- 東京家政学院大学の論文
- 1995-07-31
重久 剛
Laboratory Of Psychology Department Of English Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University
小池 澄男
池田 聡子
重久 剛
重久 剛
小池 澄男
小池 澄男
池田 聡子
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