マイノリティの「差別居住地区」に関する社会学的研究 : わが国におけるghetto, ghettoizingについて(その1)
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Assuming that this study is to refer segregation which is "one of the form of domination" effected by dominant groups for minority groups, this study is intend to compare the prototype of segregation pattern, which appears as "a segregated community or prejudiced community of minority groups=ghetto", with the cases of the Japanese ghetto. Ghetto's prototype historically means settlements or neighbourhoods of Jews. As were well-known, Jewish Ghetto can not find out nowadays, however something like "New World ghetto" is existing at present. This is, for example, Dark Ghetto (Negro Ghetto) in America. In our country, we can also find out settlements or neighbourhoods of minority somewhere which may be called ghetto. It is likely to contain such as Korean Ghetto (Chosenjin-buraku), Buraku Ghetto (Mikaiho-buraku), skid row neighbourhood. It may be estimated that these settlements of minorities are obviously segregated due to the discrimination or prejudice effected by dominant society. Segregation is, certainly, a pattern of settlement or of spatial separation in the use of common facilities, designed to indicate categorically inferior status. As a preposition, this study is refer somewhat to Jewish Ghetto of prototype and enters into the theoretical premise of ghetto. Case studies of this thesis showed in the next report is, for example, such as "America has contributed to the concept of the ghetto the restriction of persons to a special area and the limiting of their freedom of choice on the basis of skin color" (K. B. dark). However in the cases of our country we may further study from various angles such as process, drive and effect of "restriction of persons to special area." Whereas, this study will analize and estimate the matter through the following approach as are shown in concrete expressin. (i) What are sociological elements of ghettoizing ? (The original use of the term "ghettoizing" in relation to the American subcommunity occured in Louis Wirth's book, The Ghetto.)(ii) What are the forces that maintain segregation ? (iii) What we seek to find in segregation, is the extent to which isollation has shaped the character of minority group and the nature of his social life. (iv) What ways has become ghetto modified by contacts with out-group ? (v) What are common aspects of isolated groups in our modern ghetto ? In brief, to make clear the essence of "on a much broader subject ・・・・・・ on human nature and culture-・・・・・" by way of inquiring into the process, drive and effect of ghettoizing, is the one which may indeed be the long perspective produced from the studies of Jewish Ghetto and modern ghetto.
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- マイノリティの「差別居住地区」に関する社会学的研究 : わが国におけるghetto, ghettoizingについて(その2)
- マイノリティの「差別居住地区」に関する社会学的研究 : わが国におけるghetto, ghettoizingについて(その1)
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