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To examine the dual structure of "competitive sports activity in school education, " this study surveys the changes in interscholastic athletics that have taken place from the end of World War II. The study survey is based on the course of study and the notification of the Education Ministry. Following is an outline of the survey. Since the end of World War II, Japan has steadily followed a path of rapid economic growth. In the first few decades of the postwar period, the athleticism of the Japanese seemed to grow in parallel with the economy, culminating in the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1962. Immediately after World War II, the competitive sports activity of students was encompassed in school education as a special educational activity. In the subsequent years, however, the Japan Amateur Sports Association (JASA) redirected the orientation of this activity towards training programs for athletes to compete in the Olympic Games. The JASA demanded that the Education Ministry relax the qualification of interscholastic athletics. This easing of the qualification was embodied in the notification of the Education Ministry, and competitive sports activities were separated from school education. In 1969,the Education Ministry reformed the standard for interscholastic athletics, drawing a distinction between "interscholastic athletics as a school educational activity" and "athletics outside of school educational activity." As a consequence of this change, the JASA was able to organize students' interscholastic athletics as "athletics outside of school educational activity." After the Oil Shock, the separation of competitive sports from school education shifted subtly. In 1977 and 1978,the Education Ministry reformed the course of study, placing much greater emphasis on "YUTORI (being comfortable), " and in 1979,it eased restrictions on "interscholastic athletics as a school educational activity." Subsequently, in 1989,the Ministry introduced a new course of study in its revision dealing with sports activity as a special educational activity. These postwar changes in interscholastic athletics indicate that : 1. Japanese competitive sports activity in school education alternated between educational activity and athletic activity. 2. Japanese competitive sports activity in school education had a dual structure which combined the will to educate and the will to compete (win).
- 1997-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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