<研究論文>「コーチ」の諸問題に関する一考察 : 近年におけるアメリカの動向から
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The purpose of this study is to investigate problems of coaches in America. For that purpose, this study attempts to make inquiries about articles that deal with coaches. The sources of this inquiry are the "Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance" and "The Physical Educator", published from 1986 to 1990. Those articles were classified into five areas. The classified themes and an outline of the points under discussion are as follows. 1 : Teacher/Coach Problems. The coach is expected to play multiple roles, and many articles pointed out that none is more important than that of teacher. But, because of these role expectations of teacher/coach, Role strain has arisen. Role strain in teacher/coach is pervasive, especially role overload and interrole conflicts. One solution to the role overload and conflict problems that is pointed out is to separate coaching from teaching. 2 : Coach-Athlete Relationship. The question of the relationship between the coach and the athlete is applied to that of being in another person's power. This power gives rise to some ethical or moral problems. A limit on the coach's power over the athlete is taken up for discussion. Moreover, the justification of paternalism in coaching is discussed. 3 : Coach and winning. "What is the goal of coaching?", "Excellence (Winning) or enjoyment?" This question focuses on the primacy of ends or means. The goal of American sport is identified by three ethical positions. (Scoot, J.) In the concept of the Lombardian Ethic, the outcome (winning) is everything; the end result justifies the means of achievement. This Lombardian Ethic or "win-at-all-costs" philosophy breeds immoral means in the quest for winning. On the other hand, the Countre-Culture Ethic (the process is everything, the end result is unimportant) also have some points in question. It is pointed out the Counter-Culture Ethic does not accurately reflect the values and attitudes of the society in which sport is conducted. Finally, the Radical Ethic that recognized the excellence of outcome as important but holds equally important the way the excellence is achieved, the Radical Ethic is suggested. 4 : Problems of female coaches. The chief point in question is the decline of female coaches. As to the source of the decline, sex bias is pointed out. Gender differences of coaches are investigated, and the originality of female coaches is sought. 5 : Certification of coaches. The problem is a shortage of qualified coaches for high school athletic programs. It is pointed out that the certification of interscholastic coaches is an area of concern in education. For the solution to this problem, the necessity of a coaching certification program in college and unversity physical education departments and the planning of workshops and clinics are suggested.
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