- 論文の詳細を見る
Hanshin Expressway " Wangan Route 5" is constructed along the coast line connecting several reclaimed lands. Immediately after the Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake, settlement of soft grounds and liquefaction around the bridge piers were observed in many places on reclaimed lands. Quay walls were severely damaged and collapsed towards water ways. The lateral flow of the soft ground caused movement of some bridge piers as much as 100 cm. Following investigation was carried out to evaluate the damage to the bridge foundations. a) A survey using Global Positioning System was made to locate the foundation coordinate after the earthquake. b) Damage investigation of foundation by field inspection : An excavation was made to the base of footing until the pile head was exposed, and the damage at the pile head was visually examined. c) None destructive testing using elastic waves (Pile Integrity Test) d) Inspection by bore hole camera : A core boring was made at the central location of pile and a video camera was inserted and rotated in the bore hole to inspect the crack. This paper is concerned with the soft ground conditions and the investigation results. It was found that the most of soft ground suffered minor damage due to the earthquake and these foundations can be reused with minor repair.
曽根 英樹
阪神高速道路公団 京都建設事務所
赤石 勝
杉山 太宏
赤石 勝
五十畑 修
曽根 英樹
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