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A fluid flow mapper is, generally, an equipment to analyze and simulate the two dimensional and the axially symmetric three dimensional potential fields by using techniques of fluid flow visualization. This paper visualizes and analyzes electric fields around spherical dielectric voids formed within dielectrics put between parallel plate electrodes, by means of the fluid flow mapper techniques. The experimental results show that stream lines visualized by the fluid flow mapper techniques cross orthogonally to the equi-potential lines computed by a finite element method, and the fluid flow mapper is a powerful equipment to visualize the electric fields. Moreover, to check the effectiveness of the fluid flow mapper technique for the analysis of electric fields, the values of electric field strengths and potentials around a dielectric void were obtained by three ways : (a) graphical analysis method of flow pattern visualized by the fluid flow mapper, (b) numerical calculation method by computer, (c) analytical calculation method. The analytical potential distribution was found to agree well with a distribution obtained by the graphical analysis of flow pattern. The method of electric field analysis by fluid flow mapper has great advantages that we can generally and continuously observe the behavior of electric fields by the techniques of fluid flow visualization. It is also concluded that this method is a powerful tool to check the numerical results and to improve the efficiency of the computation of the electric field analysis.
- 東海大学の論文
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