- 論文の詳細を見る
In the preceding Paper, we have tried to define the concepts of "symbiosis" and "autonomy" of citizen. Furthermore, we have pursued the relationship between two concepts of "autonomy" and "symbiosis" in terms of the citizen participation in town planning and the revival of community, inclusive of the subjects in social welfare and environmental problems. As a result, we have realized that the every citizen not only has one's rights, but also must perform one's duties and take the responsibility and risk on oneself as a citizen as well, in the concept of "autonomy" Therefore, we need to grasp more exactly whether every citizen is actually conscious of one's responsibility and duty as a citizen, in Japan. Moreover, in this paper, we pursue the way for every citizen to reach the quite real "autonomy" of citizen beyond the merely formal citizen and examine the effects of one's "autonomy" on the citizen participation in town planning and the revival of community. As a result, it is interesting to note particularly as follows: (1) there are many citizens who tend to recognize fullly one's rights, but tend to be little conscious of the responsibility and duties on oneself as a citizen, in Japan; (2) it appears that the half-trained "autonomy" of citizens may cause some problem not only in the citizen participation in town planning but also in some other fields; (3) it is the necessary condition to step up the sense of "autonomy" and self-responsibility of citizens that rights of citizen inclusive of citizenship have been established; (4) the citizen participation in town planning is important to step up the self-consciousness and the recognition of one's role as a citizen; (5) the true citizen participation in town planning can be performed by the participation of quite autonomous citizens; (6) moreover, the true partnerships between the basic local government and its citizens can be performed only by the quite autonomous citizens with a sense of responsibility; (7) it means quite real "autonomy" of citizens that citizens become conscious of protecting their local environment by themselves; (8) additionally, the concepts of "symbiosis" and "autonomy" of citizen will be the clue to revive the community. In conclusion, the spiritual independence of every citizen becomes very important not only in the field of town planning, but also in other various fields in civil society. The environmental problems, city life and local community appear to be main subjects in the 21st century. Specially, the town planning in terms of sustainable development becomes very important. Therefore, the roles played by the professionals such as town planner and architect are vital in terms of the sustainable development and the true citizen participation in the town planning. Furthermore, the strong powers of the quite autonomous citizens with a sense of responsibility are necessary to tackle the urban environmental problems at present.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2003-03-30
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