チェルノブイリ原発事故後5年間の原子力開発に対する学生意識の変遷 : 生活科学課程3年次生に対するアンケート結果を中心として
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It has been investigated how the students who make a special study of resources and environment science think about the nuclear propulsion. The first investigation was done two month after the accident of nuclear reactor in Chernobyl in April, 1986. Since this Chernobyl-shock, it was done every year (1986∿1990). The total number of junior students who cooperated for the investigation were 335,31 percent of which were female-students. The percentage of students who gave their approval to the nuclear propulsion steeply increased to 74% in 1987,one year after of the shock, then it decreased to 43% to be comparable to those unapproving in 1990. Moreover, the percentage of the unapproving female-students was higher than of the male. In 1990,the unapproving female-students were in excess of those of approval, for the first time. Various kinds of reasons why the students gave their approval, or not were analysed. Three or four reasons per capita were presented, which could be classified into two groups. One group is connected with environmental problems such as an accident of nuclear reactor, radioactive contamination. The other with energy-resources problems such as the exhaustion of oil resources, power cost. The Chernobyl-shock has made a large influence on student's mind for only a few years after the accident. The present results have also been compared with those reported in a major newsparper.
- 東海大学の論文
東海大学 | 論文
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