脊髄損傷患者の心理学的検査(I) : ロールシャッハ反応について
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The psychodynamics of patients in hospital is considered through the Rorschach response on 30 male patients with spinal cord damage who require physical training parallel with the medical treatment. 1) Their response number is less, their first time is slow. In each sign, W. FM. YF. C/F. (H). AT. are predominant, and there are 13 patients who are slow in all of these signs, especially FM + YF are characteristic to the spinal cord damaged group (25 patients). The endurance to anxiety is poor in general to show neurotical mechanism. 2) Five out of thirteen patients showed the above characteristic and M. FC. Org.h. at the same time. They can bear anxiety very well and are comparatively constructive with acceptability. 3) The other five out of all the patients have not the above characteristics but high F% and a relatively low degree of perceptive deviation as compared with the other two types, and socially are isolated with an inactive condition.
- 園田学園女子大学の論文
- 1969-12-20
- 8-1 評価(日本教育心理学会第7回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
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- 脊髄損傷患者の心理学的検査(I) : ロールシャッハ反応について
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- Rorschach Study of Child Mental Development : The Statistical Treatment
- 816 大学教職員のロールシャッハテスト : 知的水準について
- 131 3才児のロールシャッハ反応(4.発達(3),日本教育心理学会第5回総会部門別研究発表要旨・討論の概要)