力への意志と善き意志 : 行為論の以前に
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This article is a part of trials of the searching for the philosophical premises of "action" which is generally situated in the starting point of sociology. Recently, there has been a hot contraversy which is concerned in the Nietzsche's will to power, that is, a contraversy between the so called post-structuralism and the hermeneutics. Concretely, this contraversy has been developed by focusing on the Heidegger's interpretation of Nietzsche. On the one hand, by J. Derrida who is the representative of the former, and the other hand, by H.-G. Gadammer who is the same of the latter. In this paper, I'm going to chach the sight of stronger basis of sociological theory through the critical study of this contraversy.
- 岐阜聖徳学園大学の論文
- 1992-02-28
岐阜聖徳学園大学 | 論文
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