大正・昭和初期新教育運動の研究(7) : 山口県阿武郡更新会を中心として
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The main purpose of this article is to study the historical meanings of the Koshin Kai, the voluntary group of teachers, in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The group was organized in 1920 in order to help its members to promote their self-education, whose chief aim was to encourage self-cultivation of the teachers rather than the improvement of their teaching methods and techniques. Its main activities included a lecture meeting, seminars for reading various books for their self-cultivation, and the publication of their journals. Soon, the group had suffered from its own financial difficulties and in 1924 the county education authority wanted to restrict freedom of forming voluntary study groups of teachers held outside their workplace. The county education authority practically planned to make it impossible for the group to have its meetings by means of the teacher placement policy which would aim at scattering of group members to the schools in remote areas. Though this policy was not actualized, the group members gave up their activities. In spite of its short period of their activities, the Koshin Kai played an important role on the local education movement of Yamaguchi Prefecture during the 1920's. The historical significance of the Koshin Kai lies in the fact that it encouraged the emergence of other voluntary teachers' groups which promoted their members' self-cultivation.
- 1988-03-31
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