On circular countability and the predicate domain
- 対照修辞学とHolidayとNewsletter:未経験の文体の作文の作成と母国語の運用能力,第二言語の学習経験や語学力の相関関係について
- Generics and circularity : Deriving interpretations from subject/predicate relations
- Choral readings vs. individual oral and silent reading : Relative validity of the alternatives in the English reading classroom
- Approaching academic writing step-wise through computer networking
- 英語教育用のコンピュータソフトを通しての米国文化理解
- On circular countability and the predicate domain
- On the structure and circularity of countability within the nominaldomain
- Word association responses of Japanese and Americans compared with moran and the S-P shift
- The linguistic monkeywrench and the English shell: multilingualism in an East Asian business conference
- ジェーンズ・ウェイ--明治初期の熊本洋学校で使用された英語教材・教育法について