Arithmetical properties of solutions of certain $q$-difference equations (Diophantine Problems and Analytic Number Theory)
- On the values of certain q-hypergeometric series (Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics)
- Mahlerの方法の応用(解析数論:最近の発展)
- Arithmetical properties of solutions of certain $q$-difference equations (Diophantine Problems and Analytic Number Theory)
- Linear independence of the values of q-hypergeometric series (解析的整数論の新しい展開 研究集会報告集)
- On algebraic independence of certain functions related to the elliptic modular function (Number Theory and its Applications)
- A metrical result on transcendence measures in certain fields(Analytic Number Theory)
- Transcendence measures for almost all numbers(Analytic Number Theory)
- On a classification of transcendental numbers by Sprindzuk