ソニック結晶の非線形波 (非線形波動現象の数理とその応用)
飯塚 剛
Iizuka Tomoya
Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Inoue T
Kyokugen Osaka University:crest Japan Science Technology Corporation (jst)
- Fermi Surface Properties of the Enhanced Pauli Paramagnet UAl_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Magnetic Properties of a Pressure-induced Superconductor UGe_2
- High-Field Magnetization of USn_3 and UPb_3
- Fermi Surface, Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of LaRhln_5 and CeTIn_5 (T: Co, Rh and Ir)
- Quasi-Two Dimensional Fermi Surface Properties of the Antiferromagnet UNiGa_5 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Magnetic and Thermal Properties of CeIrIn_5 and CeRhIn_5 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Electronic States of the Antiferromagnet UGa_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- High-field magnetization of USn3 and UPb3
- Magnetic Phase Diagram in UCd_
- Frequency dependence of the acoustic radiation pressure on a solid sphere in water
- High-Field Magnetic Phase Transitions in CeP
- Oscillatory High-Field Magnetization in LaP Doped with Ce
- High Field Magnetization of Cr-Dimer Complexes
- High Field Magnetization and the Crystalline Electric Field Scheme of TmAl_3
- 22aVD-2 一般化ダブルサインゴルドン方程式のキンク解及びソリトン解(22aVD 古典・量子可積分系(数値計算アルゴリズムを含む),領域11(統計力学,物性基礎論,応用数学,力学,流体物理))
- ジレンマゲームにおけるダイナミックス(経済物理学II-社会・経済への物理学的アプローチ-,京都大学基礎物理学研究所2005年度後期研究会)
- ジレンマゲームにおけるダイナミックス(経済物理学II-社会・経済への物理学的アプローチ-,京都大学基礎物理学研究所2005年度後期研究会)
- ソニック結晶の非線形波 (非線形波動現象の数理とその応用)
- Gap Solitons in Nonlinear Polyatomic Chains(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- Coupled Mode Theory and The Gap Soliton (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics)
- レーリー及びランジュバン放射圧に関する一般理論
- Soliton Scattering by an Object in Nonlinear Media
- Two-Dimensional Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Reaction-Diffusion Media
- Grating Solitons in Optical Fiber
- Grating solitonの理論的解析(波動の非線形現象の数理とその応用)
- Gap Soliton と非線形シュレディンガー方程式(波の非線形現象の数理とその応用)
- Envelope Soliton of the Bloch Wave in Nonlinear Periodic Lattices
- 周期系におけるBloch波の包絡ソリトンII(流体の非線形波動現象の数理とその応用)
- Coupled Hybrid Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation and Optical Solitons
- Curve Lengthening Equation and Its Solutions
- 周期系におけるBloch波の包絡ソリトン(流体における波動現象の数理とその応用)
- 不均一系における非線形波動:底の深さが不均一な3次元浅水波(流体における波動現象の数理とその応用)
- Magnetic and Fermi Surface Properties of UPtGa_5
- Suppression of the Josephson Current in Normal-Distribution-Shaped Tunnel Junctions
- Exact Minimum-Width Transistor Placement for Dual and Non-dual CMOS Cells(Circuit Synthesis, VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Yield-Optimal Layout Synthesis of CMOS Logic Cells by Wiring Fault Minimization(VLSI Design Technology and CAD)
- High Speed Layout Synthesis for Minimum-Width CMOS Logic Cells via Boolean Satisfiability(Physical Design)(VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms)
- Anomalous High-Field Metamagnetism Based on the Quadrupole Interaction in TmCu2 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electrons with Orbital Degrees of Freedom(ORBITAL2001))
- Fiske Steps of Josephson Tunnel Junctions Formed with Normal-Distribution Functi
- Proposal of a Digital Double Relaxation Oscillation SQUID(Special Issue on Superconductive Electronics)