Absolute weak $C$-embedding in Hausdorff spaces (Problems and applications in General and Geometric Topology)
- Semicontinuous maps to topological vector lattices and their applications (一般位相幾何学及び幾何学的トポロジーに関する研究--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 数列空間$c$への有界関数族に対する単調拡張子の存在について (一般位相幾何学及び幾何学的トポロジーの最近の話題とその応用)
- Extensions by means of expansions and selections : A summary (General and Geometric Topology and Related Topics)
- 線形拡張子を用いた反射的バナッハ空間の特徴づけ (一般・幾何学的トポロジーの研究動向と諸問題)
- Rudin's Dowker space is base-normal : a direct proof(General and Geometric Topology and Geometric Group Theory)
- Absolute weak $C$-embedding in Hausdorff spaces (Problems and applications in General and Geometric Topology)
- Extensions of partitions of unity and covers (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications)
- $P$(locally-finite)-embedding and related topics (Research in General and Geometric)
- $C^\ast$-embedding on product spaces(General Topology and Related Problems)
- 次元を扱った教材に関する一考察
- 古典的挿入定理における写像の終域について (一般及び幾何学的トポロジーとその応用)