Complex Gibbs measures for complex dynamical systems and eigen-hyperfunctions of complex Ruelle operator (New developments in dynamical systems)
- Fredholm determinant of complex transfer operators for complex dynamical systems and Artin-Mazur zeta function (Complex Dynamics and Related Topics)
- Complex Gibbs measures for complex dynamical systems and eigen-hyperfunctions of complex Ruelle operator (New developments in dynamical systems)
- Fredholm determinant of complex Ruelle operator, Ruelle's dynamical zeta-function, and forward/backward Collet-Eckmann condition (Comprehensive Research on Complex Dynamical Systems and Related Fields)
- Exploration of complex Henon dynamics (Research on Complex Dynamics and Related Fields)
- Complex Ruelle Operator in a Parabolic Basin (Research on Complex Dynamical Systems : where it is and where it is going)
- Complex Ruelle Operator and Hyperbolic Complex Dynamical Systems (Invariants of Dynamical Systems and Applications)
- Ecalleの再生関数と複素力学系 (複素力学系の諸問題)
- 山口昌哉著, カオス入門(カオス全書1) / 森田善久著, 生物モデルのカオス(カオス全書3) / 潮俊光著, カオス制御(カオス全書4), 朝倉書店, 1996年
- 2次元複素力学系の放物型不動点について(複素力学系に関する諸問題)
- 日本数学会賞春季賞受賞者 宍倉光弘氏の業績
- 区分線形ベクトル場と三次元コンファイナー
- スーパーサドル型ジュリア集合の超安定多様体について(カオスをめぐる力学系の諸問題)
- 多次元複素力学系におけるBottcherの定理と超安定多様体について(力学系の構造と分岐)
- Critical points and Julia sets of complex Henon maps (Integrated Research on Complex Dynamics)