Some conditions for reservation on optimal stopping problem with infinite-period reservation (Mathematical Science of Optimization)
- Optimal stopping problem with reservation : minimization model (Mathematical Theory and Applications of Uncertainty Sciences and Decision Making)
- 在庫管理問題における品切損失費用の算定(数理最適化の理論とアルゴリズム)
- Optimal stopping problem with reservation where the reserving cost for the recalled offer returns (Mathematics of Decision-making under uncertainty)
- Optimal stopping problem with reservation where reserving duration is determinable (Mathematical Modeling and Optimization under Uncertainty)
- Some conditions for reservation on optimal stopping problem with infinite-period reservation (Mathematical Science of Optimization)
- Hasse-Weil L函数の$\varepsilon$因子(代数的整数論における最近の話題)
- 数論におけるvanishing cycle(代数幾何学とホッジ理論)