Certain word and tiling of high dimension, and p-adic phenomenon (解析的整数論とその周辺)
- A new multidimensional continued fraction Algorithm (New Aspects of Analytic Number Theory)
- A new approach to higher dimensional continued fractions (Analytic Number Theory and Surrounding Areas)
- Hermitian canonical forms of integer matrices, and p-adic values of a multidimensional continued fraction (Analytic Number Theory : Expectations for the 21st Century)
- Certain word and tiling of high dimension, and p-adic phenomenon (解析的整数論とその周辺)
- Pade approximation for words generated by certain substitutions (Number Theory and its Applications)
- Partitions of the set of positive integers, nonperiodic sequences, and transcendence(Analytic Number Theory)
- 或る連分数のg進展開におけるdigitsについて(調和解析と数論)
- 反行形連分数とその応用 (解析的整数論 : 指数和について)
- "Chowlaの予想"に関する一注意 (数論と調和解析)