Ta'arof 研究の現状とその問題点 : 社会言語学的視点から
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Honorific behavior is a phenomenon which is frequently observed in Iranian society. Taarof is an element of Iranian honorific system, and is the most common, characteristic concept of interaction in Iran. It is principally expressed by exalting/humbling forms, formulaic utterances and non-verbal behaviors; and, is considered not only as lingustic etiquette but also a criterion for estimating speakers competency or educational level. Therefore, much attention has been given to taarof as such [Jahangiri (1980), Beeman(1986), Moosavi(1986)].In previous studies, taarof is interpreted as an equivalent for the polite form in Persian which reflects the power relation between a speaker and an addressee in a discourse. Beeman claims, “taarof is the active, ritualized realization of differential perceptions of superiority and inferiority in interaction”. These works give importance to classifying exalting/humbling expressions of taarof by degree of represented status difference.The framework in these studies, however, is inadequate and fails to grasp and clarify the function and the system of taarof. The author has investigated primarily verbal expressions of taarof through an interview method, and has so far recorded a considerable sample of taarof usages which can not be analyzed in the current framework. The purpose of the present paper is to point out problems of the framework itself and to propose the following viewpoints for studying taarof on the basis of the results of our research.1) To distinguish taarof from zaban-e moaddabane, another part of the Iranian honorific system.Iranian honorific system consists of two elements, taarof and zaban-e moaddabane. Zaban-e moaddabdne, “polite language” in literal translation, is a kind of language use which directly reflects the power structure and distance among participants in discourse. Taarof and zaban-e moaddabdne are used properly according to each context and perceived with quite different feelings. For this reason these elements should be differentiated and treated separately and individually.However, the previous studies have not referred to zaban-e moaddabane and tend to confuse the usage of taarof and zaban-e moddabane. It is because tadrof and zaban-e moaddabane are largely similar in appearances.2) To recognize ‘mutual understanding’ as the main purpose of taarof.As mentioned above, taarof and zaban-e moaddabane are two separate parts of the honorific system. In order to differentiate between the two elements, their purposes and considerations may be suggested as that which distinguishes them apart. That is, while taarof chiefly aims at establishing the socio-communicative interaction and often functions as a phatic communion, mutual intelligibility is the most important purpose in zaban-e moaddabane. This difference is definitely observed in discourse structure, the represented power relationship and several pragmatic points. These can be clarified by a sociolinguistic research on the system of actual usages and speakers consciousness of taarof and zaban-e moaddabane.
- 学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来の論文
学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来 | 論文
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