テル・ゼロールとクムラン : 塔形建造物の比較を中心として
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Hideo OGAWA, On Relationships of Hellenistic Towers at Tel Zeror, Khirbet Qumran and Jerusalem: Investigations on the Stratos Tower at Caesarea Maritima have long been done but few scholars have cited the Hellenistic tower at a nearby site, Tel Zeror, even after its discovery in 1964 and 1966.On the other hand, many studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls have appeared regularly but few have been associated with the architecture of Khirbet Qumran. This situation is true even concerning the tower of periods Ib and II which is one of the most remarkable kinds of buildings at the Khirbet. And it is only quite recently that some Hellenistic towers in and arround Jerusalem have been examined systematically.These Hellenistic towers must have been interrelated for their chronological coincidence and architectural similarities are very conspicuous. In this article, the author concludes that various Phoenician immigrants from the northern coastal area of the Sharon district must have joined the Qumran sect at the beginning of IIb as architects, proselytes, and specialists of husbandry when the tower was established as the headquarters of hundreds of hermits. It is possible, too, that some other people must have entered Jerusalem and its vicinity, and that these Phoenicians were, in fact, the promoters of the phenomenon of towers in Hellenistic Palestine.
- 学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来の論文
学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来 | 論文
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