AHPを用いた評価手法の手順に関する一考察 一地区分級に関する基礎的研究(6)一
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本稿では、手順的な側面から、AHPを用いた地区分級の評価手法を考察し、デルファイ方式の2段階手順(全体手順)、等価値尺度化の手順、スケール値の修正手順などを新たに提案した。事例への適用過程で感じた手応え、若干の客観データ、アンケート調査などを総合的に勘案すると、ここで提案した手順は、細部の詰めが不十分な点もみられるが、おおむね適当であったと判断される。今後、地区分級は、地域診断手法という方向に発達すべきことを述べたが、本稿で示した評価手順は、このような診断手順に要請される多様な評価基準に柔軟に対応しうるものである。From both theoretical and substantiative points of viem, the author examined applicability of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluation process of District Suitability Classification (DSC), which is one of the land classification techniques for rural land-use plan. In this research, I so devised a concrete system of evaluation procedure with AHP and examined the validity of the procedure in those days. But the results was not published yet. In the evaluation process of AHP, such participatory operations as summarization of member's opinions, conversion of indicator values on the common value scale etc. are accompanied. Moreover, "quality" of such operations influences the evaluation results grealy. Therefore we cannot but say that significance of the procedure is quite important from practical point of view. This paper proposes a systematic procedure of DSC with AHP, and considers the availability of the procedure. At first I briefly summarize the development detailsof DSC technique and the theory of AHP. Next, I explain the procedure of DSC with AHP and the results of case study. In consideration of some objective data, simple questionnaire results to the participating members etc., we examine the practicability of the procedure.
- 1998-02-01
論文 | ランダム
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