<浦田昌計教授退官記念号><論説>為替相場変動と経済不安定問題 : 「国際不調整」と日本の視点
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After temporally large decreasing in the early '90 s, current account imbalances abruptly had increased again above a hundred billion US dollars (yearly base) from 1993 to 1995 both in Japan (surpluses) and the United States (deficits). There have been some controversies over the cases of those imbalances among academic circles and some economists in economic think-tanks. One of the controversies is about a theoretical macro-balance. Those concerning long-term equilibrium approach emphasise structural factors on domestic gap between saving and investment balance of both the United States and Japan. On the contrary, those concerning short-term balance approach claim that external imbalances have been affected by short-term fluctuating factors, especially by the differential of both countries' economic growth. In line with the latter approach, this paper introduces a new concept of 'international mal-adjustments' on explaining about the problem ofsuch external imbalances. From the viewpoint of a realistic approach, intractable large-scale current account imbalances (more than twopercentages of GDP) of both Japan and the United States in recent years had been complained and claimed to be corrected by some important policy changes of both countries under the leadership of Clinton' administration since its inauguration in 1993. International mal-adjustments has been bringing big monetary and economic problems, in particular to Japanese economy. This paper depictssuch problems as yen's super appreciation and Japan's protracted zero or one percent economic growth in recent years.
- 岡山大学の論文
- 神立春樹教授退官記念号によせて (神立春樹教授退官記念号)
- 坂本忠次教授退官記念号によせて (坂本忠次教授退官記念号)
- 藤本利躬教授退官記念号によせて (藤本利躬教授退官記念号)
- 為替相場変動と経済不安定問題 : 「国際不調整」と日本の視点
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- 「フロート・ドル体制」第3期におけるアメリカの対外調整問題
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- 内田勝敏 『国際通貨ポンドの研究』―東洋経済新報社,昭和51年刊―
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- ドル問題の一考察―ハロッド 『貨幣』 によせて―
- ハロッド 『貨幣』 における国際不均衡の調整問題について―R. F. Harrod, Money. Macmillan, 1969.―
- 1970年代における為替相場の変動と欧州小国の政策(Essays in International Finance,No.136,Dec.1979)