留学生と地域語 : 秋田県における接触状況と学習意識の調査研究
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Recently the number of international students studying in the areas outside of Tokyo is increasing. The tendency has stimulated active researches of non-standard dialects, namely local languages, in the Japanese language education.However, researches of the sort have not been done in the Tohoku area including Akita. Therefore, there are not enough basic descriptive data which are good for academic studies. This paper is based on our surveyof linguistic attitudes of students toward indigenous variation of Japanese in the Akita area, and communicativeproblems that they encounter and their motivation to learning a local language. The results show that there are needs from students to learn how to comprehend the language but not necessarily to speak it. What is proved to be significant in this study is that teaching materials and methods should be prepared systematicallyso that students can utilize when they feel necessity of learning a local language.
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