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In an attempt to characterize sentence structures in the written compositions by non-native speakers of Japanese, we analyzed their compositions with seven parameters. They were: 1) clauses per sentence, 2) ratioof coordinate clauses 3) ratio of adverb clauses 4) ratio of relative clauses 5) ratio of noun clauses 6) ratio ofrennyo-form in coordinate clauses, and 7) ratio of te-form in adverb clauses. These parameters were compared with those of the writings by native speakers. The major findings were: (1) Scores of parameters for 1), 2), 4) and 6) were significantly smaller in learners' writings than in nativespeakers', while vice versa was the case for parameter for 3).(2) Some of these parameters were found to be dependent on each other. In the writings by native speakers, parameters for 1) and 2) had strong positive association, and those for 2) and 5) showed strong negativeassociation. In contrast, such associations were not found in learner's writings.(3) Factor analysis was applied to find out factors determining the sentence structures by native speakers.The analysis extracted three major factors, which explain more than 2/3 of the variations of sentence structures by native speakers. Only the first factor (about 1/3) was common to both native speakers andlearners, while other two factors were unique to learners or native speakers.These findings demonstrated that unnaturalness in learners' writings could be attributed to their sentence structures. Sentence combining appears to be a promissing method for improving their writings.
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