- 論文の詳細を見る
Pupils' ideas about electric current in a simple circuit composed of a battery, a bulb and wires has beenintensively studied. It has been revealed that pupils hold a variety of ideas concerning how electric currentflows in the circuit. Some authors have claimed that pupils construct these ideas prior to formal teaching ofelectric circuit and that frequently these are not replaced with the correct one by teaching.The present author reviewed the reports and concluded that pupils' ideas about electric current, which areincorrect from scientific viewpoint, are induced through formal science teaching and/or by questions in thequestionnaire. When pupils are asked to describe their image of electric current for the first time, most of themwill consider that current is consumed in the bulb. This belief is firmly grounded on their dairy experiences.A variety of incorrect models of electric current are composed or selected by pupils through their efforts toaccommodate propositions about the electric circuit (the battery has two poles, the current flows unidirectionallyetc.), which are given by the teacher, to their unaltered belief that the current is consumed in the bulband is not conserved.The author argues that above mentioned pupils' belief is to be challenged by telling them what is consumedinstead of current. Demonstration of current conservation with ammeters by itself, without such comments,will be unconvincing for many of pupils, though they can do nothing other than accepting the 'correct'conclusion.Some descriptions of electric circuits in Japanese elementary-school textbooks seem to be inadequate forpupils without preknowledge. Guide books authored by Japanese Ministry of Education shares the sameproblems with the textbooks.Elementary-school pupils, as well as ones of higher schools and adults, desire composing convincingmodels of phenomena around them and are equipped with intellectual faculties for rational thinking. Theyonly lack suitable framework of concepts in which the faculties operate meaningfully. Without the framework,pupils should be lead to undirected and fragmentary thinking and after all to noncritical acceptance ofconclusions given by the teacher.The author also argues that those who claim that teachers should help individual pupils to construct theirown models of electric current unreasonably neglect the fact that the framework of concepts concerningelectric circuits is the essence of practical and theoretical activities of innumerable persons over a long periodof time.
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