A Generalization of a theorem of Garding
- Remark on a Theorem of Taussky-Todd
- Positive elements in the enveloping algebra of some Lie algebra
- k-numerical range and the Minkowski sum
- Numerical range of the matrix associated with some graph
- Spectrum of a certain tree
- 4×4 matrix associated with a trigonometric polynomial
- Conjugate figures of the Poncelet pair in numerical range
- Quartic curves associated with some hyperbolic ternary forms
- Numerical Range of Centain Weighted Bilateral Shift Matrices
- Remark on Poncelet's Closure Theorem
- Simultaneous Numerical Range and a Rational Surface
- Hyperelliptic Algebraic Function Field Associated with Certain Contraction
- Parametrization of an Elliptic Curve and the Jacobi Elliptic Functions
- A Generalization of a theorem of Garding
- A Proof of the Duality Theorem between the q-Numerical Ranges and the Higher Dimensional Numerical Ranges
- Rational Plane Curves associated to Certain Nilpotent Matrices
- On generalized numerical range of the Aluthge transformation (Structure of operators and related current topics)
- 有限次元不定計量空間における作用素の数域(線形作用素論と応用に関する最近の発展)
- $k$-数域と建築物の構造特性について (作用素論における作用素不等式の役割)
- 行列多項式の数域 (作用素論の発展と諸問題)
- Numerical range of a matrix associated with the graph of a trigonometric polynomial (Structural study of operators via spectra or numerical ranges)