- 論文の詳細を見る
The self-consciousness is the arrival point of the biological evalution, And thc self-consciousnesshas evolved due to the interaction with the self and society. A human being transmits culture('meme')to the circumference. and transmits it to the next generations. The gap of the speed of the evolutionby the gene and 'meme' became big. The expansion of the gap caused the problem of the modernsociety. One example is the environmental problem of the earth. Japanese fishermen have carried outafforestation activities in the whole country. Their activities will achieve excellent results in thefuture. They can hold on because the future can be seen.The brain of the human being has been made to evolve large. The main part of the evolving brain isprediction ability. There is a fishermen's self-understanding as a thing which transmits their 'meme'in the future.
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