A Brooks Type Integral with Respect to a Set-Valued Measure
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A generalization of the set--valued Brooks integral [3] with respect to a set--valued measure whose values are subsets of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space is presented. The construction of this new kind of integral is based on Weber's result [19] concerning the existence of a family of semi--invariant pseudo--metrics which ge\-ne\-ra\-tes the uniformity of a uniform semigroup (in our case, the semigroup of convex, bounded, closed subsets of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space). Several properties of the new integral are given and also a theorem of Vitali type is established.
論文 | ランダム
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- 第3章 中国における大学統合の動向 (大学の組織変容に関する調査研究)
- 付録 : 大学統合に関する主要文献 : 英語, 日本語, 中国語 (大学の組織変容に関する調査研究)